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A specialized Algerian law firm focusing on amicable procedures:

Let’s opt for peace as a mode of dispute resolution !

     Designated by the acronym MARC, Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, also known as “amicable” or “peaceful” methods of dispute resolution, provide an alternative to traditional litigation. Originating from ancient practices in traditional societies where conflicts were resolved under the auspices of mediating institutions (tribal leader, council of elders, etc.) to preserve peace and harmony within the social group, peaceful dispute resolution methods, as enshrined in Book 5 of the Algerian Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures of February 25, 2008, offer conflicting parties the opportunity to avoid the uncertainties of a judicial trial by attempting to find an amicable solution to their conflict.
    Specialized in peaceful dispute resolution, our firm will listen to you to advise you on the most suitable alternative method for your case (mediation, negotiation, arbitration, etc.), as well as support and accompany you throughout the amicable conflict resolution process.
     If you wish to avoid the slowness and financial cost of a court trial, if you do not want to jeopardize family or neighborhood ties through a judicial confrontation in case of conflict with a relative (inheritance, guardianship, etc.) or a neighbor (property infringement, right of way, etc.), if you are a business and hope to quickly resolve your dispute with a guarantee of confidentiality, choose mediation and peaceful dispute resolution methods! Dare peace for a quick, sustainable, and cost-effective solution to your dispute!

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How do I know if my dispute is eligible for mediation ?
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I'm looking for a lawyer: why a mediation support?
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Why should I consider amicably resolving my inheritance matter ?
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Couples Mediation: Why and what outcomes can be expected ?
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What is an amicable divorce and what is the procedure ?
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What are the benefits of criminal mediation and when can it be used ?
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Why prioritize amicable resolution of disputes between companies ?
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How can an employer and employee amicably resolve a conflict ?
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Neighborhood disputes: What is the best approach to addressing them ?

Mawyer Mediation Advisor
Specialized Legal Advisory Firm in Amicable Dispute Resolution Methods

toualbi-avocat | Home 59 Appremont, Rostomia, Bouzareah, Alger 16000.

   toualbi-avocat | Home  (00213) 773.36.91.43

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